Discussion for Organise-Next Cafe
Created this page to organise the cafe at the Continental for the 21st.
It can be used again in the future, and I put a skeleton checklist up if you need it for that.
The café is now no longer on the 21st, it is probably being moved to a week later!
Nice one Sara. I'll maybe edit it now myself, to make it clear that things need to be confirmed on a week-to-week basis with the Continental right now.
Hi I just got on the site, looks lovely!
If you want to book a night for the cafe go to the shared google calendar and pick your slot, and give rob a shout too to make sure the night suits him. Also find out which of the keyholders can let you in: currently Me, Emma, Elena, Rob.
If you want an invitation to the google calendar mail me: miriamturley@googlemail.com I'll get Rob to put his contacts up here too, cheers! Also could the shared calendar be displayed here somehow?